Friday, October 4, 2013

Are you going to Opt out?

 Upon watching this video you are flooded with all   kinds of silent factors. The video features ObamaCare in an extreme way in an attempt to catch the viewer's attention. Let's look at a few ways in which the video appeals to our sense of discomfort. The video immediately starts off with us viewing a nurse and patient via what seems to be a security camera. Almost giving us, the viewer, a sense that we are watching them. Remind you of any similar ideas that involve being watched? The Big Brother idea that George Orwell presented to us talks about how we will be watched in every aspect of life, via cameras that would be implemented everywhere. The video utilized this idea when they began to present the video via a security camera. Giving us the feeling that someone is watching all that takes place. Of course this video is implying that our government is trying to play Big Brother through the implication of ObamaCare. This could also give us the sense that the hospital now has an institutional feel. Institutions have security cameras in order to protect the patients and staffing, but do we really need security cameras for us? This is just another way that this video picks up on making us feel uncomfortable about the situation of the government being involved with our healthcare. Should we be that uncomfortable about our government actually trying to help us though? This video says we should but is it not part of the government's duties to do what is best for its countrymen? These are just a few questions that this video could arouse from any single person, but we all can pull different meanings and questions based simply on how the video was presented in the beginning. This does not include the many other interpretations that could still be pulled from other portions of this video.

After we go back to the doctors room with the female patient, we expect that the doctor will take care of the patient. Instead the doctor preps the patient, doing a job of what a nurse would normally do. The female patient is very clearly confused when the doctor leaves the exam room. The female patient being in an extremely vulnerable position of getting a gynecological exam, freaks out when she sees this creepy Uncle Sam figure come up between her legs. Of course a word that comes to my mind is rape, this scene is extremely awkward and uncomfortable. When I say rape comes to mind it's not in its usual sense. Taking into consideration of the video's context it metaphors the idea that the government is not giving us a choice in the matter of ObamaCare, whether we want it or not we are going to have to take it or be penalized for it. Just as rape victims have to make the choice to speak out against their attackers, this video is that small percentage of people that are courageous enough to speak out and make others aware of situation.

The image of the patient being white, young, and to just be getting out on their own is also an important aspect of this video. The general appearance of the female patient was made to look softer than that of a model because the video is trying to make a point that this ObamaCare movement affects the general public as a whole. The video creator knows their audience very well and caters to this with the female's appearance and lack of  knowledge about ObamaCare. The lack of knowledge about ObamaCare was intentional, it portrays how much the general public knows or lacks thereof. This video was purposely created with such a lack of knowledge with character as to capture our attention better and make us think about how much we really know about ObamaCare. It may be a loud and obscene way to catch our attention but with our desensitization from the use of social media and seeing so many events and videos on a daily basis, it may have been the only way the video creator could have so effectively caught and kept our attention. The video creator also aims at younger audiences, college students, graduates, and others that are just in the midst of starting to be on their own. They make the point that we should become informed about what kind of decisions we make and that we should question what our government does and just not accept every action they take. The video creator in a sense is trying to empower us not to just sit back and accept what the government does but be involved and take action if their actions are not to the best of the people.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very well written and detailed visual analysis. Good job!

    5 out of 5
