Sunday, November 17, 2013

Campaign Ads Create New Species of Zombie!

Campaign ads, we all are subjected to them, but do they really do anything for us? Campaign ads can make us dizzy when we watch too many of them, all that debating and hashing the other side just gets old. Just like this cartoon portrays, we all sit down to take a moment to look at what each candidate brings to the fight, but eventually we become overwhelmed. With campaign ads always tell us how bad the other candidate is, how do we know who is actually going to do anything? Candidates spend a decent amount of funding creating ads that specifically put the other candidate in a bad light, but why do they never fund causes? It's mind boggling to stop and think about all the ways campaigns could be made. Yet it still never fails that candidates focus on the bad and the ugly sides of each other. There may be an occasional ad that represents what they plan to do with your vote for them, but with all the negative ads floating around can you really believe them? It's enough to definitely make your head spin.

With so many promises being thrown at us, when is it time to just turn off the debates? Opposing sides throw a multitude of good and bad promises at us as voters and sometimes it gets hard to sort out who is doing what. Eventually we get so much information thrown at us that we just want it to stop. Once we reach this point though, it becomes even harder for us to decide who to vote for. In some cases when we reach this point we just decide not to vote, because both parties seem just as bad as the other. With so many promises candidates are throwing at us, it can be hard to determine who to go with, especially when candidates debate in harsh black and white conditions. Do we give in to lower pay so we can have lower taxes or do we settle for peace and high taxes? The decisions are hard and definitely make us weigh in a lot on what we think we could handle and what we have no toleration for.

With all these ads, debates, and promises, it's no wonder we are becoming political zombies. The overwhelming amount of choice over who is the lesser of the two evils that each side portrays can sometimes make us revert to our core political views. We end up just being a zombie to our political party and in turn voting for our party to win the election. With so much negativity floating around on the political fields it's a wonder that more of us have not already become zombies. Next time you sit down to watch political ads think about what they are not showing you. What the general purpose of the ad is besides the obvious defacing of the opposing side. You may be surprised by the techniques they use to deface each other and just how bad it makes them look.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is good, but very general. You did not engage with the images at all.
    3 out of 5
