Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Left Wing or Right Wing?

Depending on your political views, you may describe yourself as either left or right leaning or also known as left wing or right wing. What exactly does that even mean though? The left and right terms we use to describe our political views were originally coined during the French Revolution. With left referring to those who sat on the left generally and opposed the monarchy and supported the revolution. Yet right refers to those who sat on the right and were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Ancien Regime. Of course today left and right has a completely different meaning. In America if you are in the right wing then you are a part of the Republican Party and Conservatives from this party are considered to be in the "far right" of the right wing. However if you are apart of the left wing then you are Democratic and Liberals from this party are considered to be in the "far left" of the left wing. Of course there is that section in between where the Moderates preside, these are people who cannot or do not wish to identify with one specific political party.

This image shows both Political views in a not so flattering light on a single mind. This image in itself could be a wonderful representation of how many people feel about both parties and how unsure they are about deciding to be JUST one political identification. The decision can ultimately feel like only a blue and red decision.Yet there are people out there that consider themselves Moderate because they cannot decide to be just one singular party. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have their pros and cons, but in the end how do you decide who's side to be on? Make no mistake, there are other parties out there, just in very minute quantities. When it comes down to it though the Democratic and Republican definitely are the two power houses we tend to associate with when discussing our views. So how are you automatically seen by people when you say you are Democratic or Republican? By what you oppose of course. Political views/sides can be extremely heated topics, but way of argument is typically how we as humans tend to communicate and work through heated subjects. If we are afraid to initiate into a heated battle over topics that need discussing, it's no wonder as to why the elephant and donkey are simply giving each other the butt theses days.

You can compare politics in a sense to a relationship. No relationship runs smoothly without arguments, or the participants having to give and get. Yet no relationship can function if there is no arguments or no one is willing to give up something for the other. Politics works in a similar way, one side must give up a goal in order to gain a goal they are trying to accomplish. They both cannot simply debate which goals are all together better and expect to get all they want. Yet our political system is greatly known for never wanting to give any of their goals up in order to accomplish one. It has become a difficult dysfunctional duo, that needs to relearn what it means to work together to accomplish goals together and not alone.

No matter which political party you decide to associate with, they all have pros and cons. Whether you are extremely Republican, Extremely Democratic, Moderate, or just a little left leaning, we all have different views we carry. Pros and cons can be strong determinants when making decisions. Which side will sway you?

1 comment:

  1. Good job, but you could have analyzed the image even more
    4 out of 5
