Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Education out the Window (EXTRA)

This cartoon could have two different meanings. The first to which could insinuate that we are simply throwing our kids education out the window. Many of us believe that since public schools are cutting programs and cutting funding, we are just giving up important parts of our children's education. This cartoon could also represent the fact that we are not properly preparing our children for the future ahead of them. That we are throwing them out the window and telling the to "fly," when they are not ready. Education is an important topic within our community and has become more of an upfront issue as of late. Education of our children is a very important topic and we cannot stand to see our children be thrown out into our world before time has prepared for them for the outside world. We do not tend to realize how sheltered our children are within the school systems. They have their own little worlds they live in within the school systems. Yet as they get older within the school system they tend to ween off of these safety blankets and begin to see the big bad world for what it is.

It is our duty to make sure they are prepared when they set out into this big bad world, and throwing them out before they are educationally ready, is like tossing a baby bird into the air. We need to make sure that our children are ready to "fly". By preparing them step by step for college and not pressing them in high school to be skipping classes and going straight into college. College is an important aspect of our education but it does not mean that we should force our children into college before they are ready. They should be able to enjoy their high school years and not have to worry about their education flying out the window before they are ready to fly.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Are You Endangered? (EXTRA)

Extinction has come to many different species and many more are endangered. Even though we may not be considered a species as that of the animals featured in this image, it is no question that the middle class is becoming "endangered." With prices rising and paychecks going down, the gap between higher classes and lower classes is definitely getting larger. With the continuation of this gap growing larger we could definitely see the middle class diminish. Scientist have the technology to potentially bring these animals back from the brink of endangerment. Although scientist cannot help the middle class, that is all up to our government. Our government sadly however seems to be working hard to make obstacles for the middle class, that we just cannot overcome.

To imagine a country without a middle class would be a rough image. Yet we are slowly heading that way. With a rough economy and the government hitting road blocks all the way, it's no surprise as to why the middle class is shrinking. Taxes are something that our government use to help balance this class issue but with the lower classes having to pay near what the higher classes pay, it's to no surprise that the classes are drifting apart. 

With all the fear of the middle class diminishing. We can only hope that George Orwell wasn't right in the sense of the powerful staying powerful and running the lower class. 1984 may not be something at all in our future at all but it is a thought that sometimes crosses many minds. We may be concerned about the middle class diminishing be we have awhile to take a chance to look at what is happening. We can become involved in our political affairs of our politicians and help make a chance. We need to help pull our politicians heads out of the sand so they can being to see what is going on around them. Then maybe they can make decisions that not just benefit them but the community as a whole.

Me Party (EXTRA)

The Government shut down brought to surface a multitude of concern. State parks were closed, memorials closed, and lack of income from these places was threatening the economy. It was even said people were visiting the monuments even with the closed signs up. Why though can we get away with such pathetic actions? Why do we the people have to punish for an issue that we cannot personally help solve? The Government close down was said to only have hurt the politicians, but that's a lie. What about all those state park workers, and the people that work at the monuments? They were affected if not the most by the shut down. Politicians make double if not triple what those workers make. The parks and monuments buisness also pull in a decent amount of money that contributes to our economy, even with the shut down we had it was enough to make us concerend.

The shut down in general however should not have occurred. It is definitely sad that our politicians have put on their own pins. Instead of being able to debate and work out a solution they stick their heads in the sand and refuse to listen to each other. Even though the government shutdown did not last for more than a week, that is still an extremely long time. To be honest, our government should not have had to result to such childish means to come to a solution. How can they from their homes even come close to deciding on a solution? They cannot in reality, if anything, a lock-in of the government should have occurred. Putting us on the line because they are fed up with working and not getting what they want is ridiculous. If we as Americans even tried such a thing like not going to our jobs, we would all be fired on the spot. Politicians know going into their job they have to deal with others. When they only believe the situation is a give-give or get-get solution, it is of no consequence that no one will ever get anywhere. Which is exactly why we are going nowhere.

Politicians are essentially in helping run our country, but it can be quite painful to realize they are more childish at times then our own children. With so many politicians running the "me" pin in Washington it is a wonder the shut down didn't go on longer. We can only hope that eventually someone will learn more gets done when you don't stick your head in the sand.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Air Money (EXTRA)

Debt within the United States is a very large elephant within the government room. Just as this cartoon suggest we come up with excuses all the time as to why we cannot pay China. When in truth we really just do not have the money to pay China. We keep saying that eventually we will be able to pay China, but we keep making more debt. $14.4 trillion dollars is how much we owed China in 2011, but that has only increased. With China looming over us and threatening us all the time how do we come back from such a large debt? The United States is shrinking in comparison to the growth of China, and this is becoming frightening.

With China threatening to "break our thumbs" it is a wonder that China hasn't acted sooner in implementing actions. China is smart though, using our debt against us to cause even more debt. Just as credit cards work to entice us to put ourselves in even more debt because we do not have to pay it right away. The fact that China only wants to break our thumbs because we can't pay debt is the same act that credit card company's do when they charge a fee when you forget to pay. If China decided to make us pay late fees for us not paying we would be in an even deeper hole than what we are in.

With debt increasing every year it is hard imagine where the United States will be in four or more years. China is becoming larger and stronger over the United States every day. With the United States slipping further into debt it comes into question what will do to start chipping away at the huge wall of debt that we have created and continue to mound up.

Hatching Issues (EXTRA)

Same sex marriage is an extremely controversial and politic issue. However it is becoming more of a surface topic. Politicians have been pushing against this issue for quite some time now, but just as this image suggests, its becoming to large of an issue for them to hide. Politicians have been pushing this issues back into "its shell" for quite some time. Even now Politicians believe that they can still repress the issue. Same sex marriage has grown into a significant issue, even becoming larger than some politicians. This image greatly depicts exactly how same sex marriage is pushing past politicians and finally coming to the front of issues that are present. It has become an issue of great magnitude and can no longer hide out in its "egg." The chick within the egg gives us a skeptical glare at the politicians. As in saying "you actually think you can fit me back into this egg?" Same sex marriage has been a growing issue since the late 19th century, its no wonder its grow out of its shell. Of other issues the politicians are extremely small in scale compared the issue of same sex marriage, indicating that same sex marriage is too large of an issue for politicians to handle.

Same sex marriage has been legalized in sixteen states across America, with only thirty-three states banning same sex marriage and New Mexico has no law banning or legalizing same sex marriage. With sixteen states already accepting its no wonder same sex marriage is beginning to overcome politicians and take a stand of its own. Same sex marriage is an issue that will continue to grow until it does break free of its "egg" that politicians are trying to keep it in. Same sex marriage has come a long way  in terms of issues and will continue to progress. Although no one can say for sure exactly when it will be less of a heated topic and more of a common household topic.

Social Media our Safety Blanket

 Social Media is moving towards the main means for us to find political information every day. Facebook has opened a multitude of windows for people to discuss their political views. However not everyone wants their Facebook feeds to be overrun by political information. Yet this image makes an extremely clear point that we should be aware of. We may not want to get on Facebook and be bombarded by aggressive political ads and conversations, but this is a decision we can control. When getting on Facebook you have the choice of engaging in political posts or completely ignoring them. Even now you can even block these post from your timeline. Why though do we have such a hate for discussing topics that are important? Social media is becoming a great means for us to use to our advantage to discuss our political views with the safety of not being directly in the same room as the person. Political views do not have to constantly be discussed but they should be shown some respect. Facebook is an open place for us to post and view other peoples opinions and views. Yet we should respect someones political post just as much as we want someone to respect our post about our day or something that we care about.

Even though we complain about political topics being on Facebook, it is among one of the places we are discussing politics. This pie chart of a 2011 pole shows exactly what we are talking about with politics. If we were to compare this to what is discussed as a whole on Facebook, it would be more of a significant percentage then we would imagine. Facebook is a great place to join groups that support our own political views and find political views we support. Yet many of us get angry when we see someone on our timeline that is arguing a political view. Facebook has many windows that have opened to the public, expressing political views is simply one of those windows. However Facebook is not the only social media that is opening windows for people to express their political views. Media sites like Twitter and Second Life have also been creating opportunities to express political views. With all these opportunities arising it is no wonder more and more people are beginning to express their beliefs.

Why though do we prefer to hide behind media when expressing our views? Maybe because it is less confrontational, or maybe it's the fact we can leave the conversation whenever we please. Whatever it is that makes us feel more comfortable with expressing our views, it what we are seeking to help us express them. Although we are becoming more and more expressive, we have yet to make a more active approach in our political views. With social media becoming more prevalent than ever, when will we begin to use it to our advantage as opposed to only a means of expressing ourselves with a safety blanket?

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Left Wing or Right Wing?

Depending on your political views, you may describe yourself as either left or right leaning or also known as left wing or right wing. What exactly does that even mean though? The left and right terms we use to describe our political views were originally coined during the French Revolution. With left referring to those who sat on the left generally and opposed the monarchy and supported the revolution. Yet right refers to those who sat on the right and were broadly supportive of the institutions of the monarchist Ancien Regime. Of course today left and right has a completely different meaning. In America if you are in the right wing then you are a part of the Republican Party and Conservatives from this party are considered to be in the "far right" of the right wing. However if you are apart of the left wing then you are Democratic and Liberals from this party are considered to be in the "far left" of the left wing. Of course there is that section in between where the Moderates preside, these are people who cannot or do not wish to identify with one specific political party.

This image shows both Political views in a not so flattering light on a single mind. This image in itself could be a wonderful representation of how many people feel about both parties and how unsure they are about deciding to be JUST one political identification. The decision can ultimately feel like only a blue and red decision.Yet there are people out there that consider themselves Moderate because they cannot decide to be just one singular party. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have their pros and cons, but in the end how do you decide who's side to be on? Make no mistake, there are other parties out there, just in very minute quantities. When it comes down to it though the Democratic and Republican definitely are the two power houses we tend to associate with when discussing our views. So how are you automatically seen by people when you say you are Democratic or Republican? By what you oppose of course. Political views/sides can be extremely heated topics, but way of argument is typically how we as humans tend to communicate and work through heated subjects. If we are afraid to initiate into a heated battle over topics that need discussing, it's no wonder as to why the elephant and donkey are simply giving each other the butt theses days.

You can compare politics in a sense to a relationship. No relationship runs smoothly without arguments, or the participants having to give and get. Yet no relationship can function if there is no arguments or no one is willing to give up something for the other. Politics works in a similar way, one side must give up a goal in order to gain a goal they are trying to accomplish. They both cannot simply debate which goals are all together better and expect to get all they want. Yet our political system is greatly known for never wanting to give any of their goals up in order to accomplish one. It has become a difficult dysfunctional duo, that needs to relearn what it means to work together to accomplish goals together and not alone.

No matter which political party you decide to associate with, they all have pros and cons. Whether you are extremely Republican, Extremely Democratic, Moderate, or just a little left leaning, we all have different views we carry. Pros and cons can be strong determinants when making decisions. Which side will sway you?