Friday, December 6, 2013

Hatching Issues (EXTRA)

Same sex marriage is an extremely controversial and politic issue. However it is becoming more of a surface topic. Politicians have been pushing against this issue for quite some time now, but just as this image suggests, its becoming to large of an issue for them to hide. Politicians have been pushing this issues back into "its shell" for quite some time. Even now Politicians believe that they can still repress the issue. Same sex marriage has grown into a significant issue, even becoming larger than some politicians. This image greatly depicts exactly how same sex marriage is pushing past politicians and finally coming to the front of issues that are present. It has become an issue of great magnitude and can no longer hide out in its "egg." The chick within the egg gives us a skeptical glare at the politicians. As in saying "you actually think you can fit me back into this egg?" Same sex marriage has been a growing issue since the late 19th century, its no wonder its grow out of its shell. Of other issues the politicians are extremely small in scale compared the issue of same sex marriage, indicating that same sex marriage is too large of an issue for politicians to handle.

Same sex marriage has been legalized in sixteen states across America, with only thirty-three states banning same sex marriage and New Mexico has no law banning or legalizing same sex marriage. With sixteen states already accepting its no wonder same sex marriage is beginning to overcome politicians and take a stand of its own. Same sex marriage is an issue that will continue to grow until it does break free of its "egg" that politicians are trying to keep it in. Same sex marriage has come a long way  in terms of issues and will continue to progress. Although no one can say for sure exactly when it will be less of a heated topic and more of a common household topic.

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